Cullera Holiday



The measures detailed below are made known to guests before booking, as guests have been sent them by different means (email, hotel website and other channels through which they have made their bookings).

On arrival at the hotel, they will sign a declaration of responsibility stating that they are aware of these measures and therefore agree to follow them.


Please be aware of staff’s recommendations, as well as signs that you will find throughout the premises.

Please maintain safety distances of 2m between people outside of your family unit. If this is not possible, please wear face masks.

Hydroalcoholic gel stands are available on the premises, please use them especially if you are staying in common areas or after entering from the street.

Cover your mouth and nose with your elbow when sneezing.

Avoid touching your nose, eyes and mouth.

Use disposable tissues and dispose of them in the bins with lids located on each floor.

If you have any symptoms, please self-isolate and contact the emergency health services. Tel.: 900 300 555.

The hotel has 3 lifts available to our guests, please note that they can only be used individually or with other guests staying in the same room or family unit. We remind you that the hotel has staircases with access to the floors of the rooms, located next to the lifts.

All staff who have to interact with guests under 2m will wear masks and gloves if necessary.


Safety distances must be respected, which are marked out with tape on the ground. We ask for your patience as this may result in longer queues or waiting times.

Where possible, we will digitise some of our processes to avoid contact, and where this is not possible, we will take the necessary measures to avoid possible transmissions.

Check-in is from 4pm and check-out is at 12pm. Please adhere to these times to help the housekeeping department have time to clean and disinfect the rooms, as they now need more time to do so.

Rooms are cleaned from 9am to 5pm, with priority given to cleaning rooms for new arrivals. If you would like a special cleaning time, please ask at reception. As well as if you need to leave the room later. Leaving the room at 12pm does not mean that you cannot use the rest of the hotel facilities until 4pm.

You can leave us your comments and suggestions in our quality questionnaire, which you can access via a QR code, which will be visible to guests.


Please leave the room so that housekeeping can clean the room. If this is not possible, please stay on the terrace to ensure a safe distance.

You can ask housekeeping for anything you may need, but please do not take it from the cleaning trolleys. These trolleys and material are also disinfected on a daily basis.

The department has created a comprehensive cleaning protocol to ensure that the rooms are properly disinfected. Most of the equipment is for single use only and the equipment that is not, is disinfected to avoid cross-contamination between rooms.


Meals will be served in a buffet format but always in accordance with staff’s indications who will ensure that anti-Covid protocols and distancing are observed. Individual dishes will be encouraged whenever possible (desserts, cold products).

Please keep a safe distance when entering the restaurant.

Staff will direct you to your assigned table.

On busy days, when the restaurant’s capacity is exceeded, different sittings may be organised.

When entering the restaurant, use the hydroalcoholic gel that you will find at the entrance, as well as every time you enter the buffet area.

Follow the instructions and paths in and out of the restaurant.

Extreme hygiene measures in the restaurant have been taken.

In the cafeteria (both inside and on the terrace) and the pool bar, wait to be served by a waiter who will come to your table to take your order and to also assign you a table. Avoid approaching the bar.

We remind you that the hotel has room service from 8am to 11pm.

You can view the menus using QR codes, which will be visible to guests.


All staff work with the PPE assigned to their position.

The use of individual meals is encouraged whenever possible.

They work in accordance with current hygiene and health regulations (HACCP).

Extreme cleaning measures are being taken.

After each shift the dishwashers are checked to ensure all utensils have been properly washed (60º).


Please leave the room so that staff can carry out the repairs in the room. If this is not possible, please stay on the terrace to ensure a safe distance.


An appointment is required to use the sauna and gym, the changing rooms will be closed.

The hotel has 3 lifts available to our guests, please note that they can only be used individually or with members of the same room or family unit. We remind you that the hotel has staircases with access to the floors of the rooms, located next to the lifts.

The games room can be used by hotel guests, but the hotel will only provide equipment for playing ping pong. The hotel will not offer cards, parchís or other games as we cannot guarantee proper disinfection. Guests can use their own games.

The pool’s capacity is limited and requires an appointment, which can be requested by calling 625 or at the pool bar.